Marriage & Family Conference
April 4-5, 2025 Cole Camp, MO
This conference is for everyone: For husbands, wives, parents, children, widows, and single people. Through the Word of God, we will grow in our appreciation for God’s wonderful gift of marriage and the family, and return to our homes encouraged and better equipped to lead faithful lives, regardless of the makeup of our family.
The congregations of the Cole Camp Regional Ministry & the Sedalia Circuit of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod invite you to join them for their annual Marriage and Family Conference.
The theme for 2024 is "The Orders of Creation." This will be presented by Rev. Dr. Adam C. Koontz.

A Conference
for the Whole Family.

April 4-5, 2025

Featured Speakers:
Rev. Nathan Sherrill
Rev. Heath Curtis
Rev. Benjamin Ball
Rev. Dr. D. Richard Stuckwisch
This year we will have four featured speakers representing a wealth of wisdom and experience with life in the family, parish ministry, mission work, and synodical service at the district.
This conference also provides attendees with the opportunity to attend Evening Prayer and Matins. These worship settings tie in with the theme each year and are also provided by local pastors and the featured speaker. This year's preachers are:
Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan; and
Rev. Heath Curtis.

Presentation 1: Rev. Nathan Sherrill
Music as the Family's Great Teacher
Presentation 2: Rev. Heath Curtis
Character Formation: Action and Reaction
Presentation 3: Rev. Benjamin Ball
What to Do About School: Lutheran School, Public School, Home School, or No School?
Presentation 4: Rev. Dr. D. Richard Stuckwisch
The Church as the Household & Family of God

Gemütlickeit is a time of food, drinks, & fellowship. This event will take place at The German Table in Cole Camp. There will be no child care available for this event. Please keep this in mind when you fill out your registration form if you are planning to attend. This years Gemütlickeit is sponsored by Citizens Farmers Bank of Cole Camp, MO.